Friday, March 11, 2016

Cancer and fertility and Treatment

Cancer and some treatments may affect reproductive health. So it is worth before the start of treatment that one looks for some way to preserve fertility.
The last thing one thinks when diagnosed with cancer is its ability to give birth to boys (fertility). Whether he has children already, or did not think so far with reproduction, that is worth thinking about fertility before the start of some forms of cancer treatments.

Read some facts about fertility problems and what it means being a sterile.

Include the cancer treatments that can affect the fertility of chemical and radiation therapy and surgery genitalia, including the ovaries or testes. It may be for the treatment of hormonal effect on fertility, but little information available about this effect.

Difficult to know the effects of cancer treatment until late. Many of those who have undergone cancer treatment Hafez -_khasossa those healers when they were children-their fertility and they set up a family during their lives.

Some find that fertility is affected only for a short time and then come back after treatment but others believe that fertility is affected in the long term. It often depends on personal circumstances such as age and treatment received by the patient and place of the cancer and whether the patient is a man or a woman.

Fertility and women
Cancer treatment may affect fertility if the patient is a woman of childbearing age through:

Stop the production of certain hormones.
Shutdown of the ovaries and thereby causing an early entry into the age of menopause.
Damage to the uterine lining.
Do surgery to remove the uterus.
You should talk with your doctor or nurse for maintaining the fertility options before starting the treatment of cancer. If the sense of not having enough time before the start of treatment, the patient can then transfer to the fertility clinic where he is given information about the available options and have a talk about the likelihood of success.

Possibilities include:
Embryo storage (uranium eggs).
Freezing eggs is fertilized and stored.
Removal and storage of ovarian tissue.
What remains is fertilized eggs and ovarian tissue storage and use in fertility treatments and a new bit that leads to a successful pregnancy. Cancer doctor is ready to talk about the details of that in case you are interested in learning more.

It's good to keep in mind that these fertility treatments may:

Decreases over time from its success.
Remove from the physical and emotional energy.
It is doing fertility treatment of thing personally. In the event of a partner, it may wish to accompany the patient, so that it can also discuss concerns with your doctor.

You can ask the doctor about the possibility of fertility treatment. Some people are forced to pay for fertility treatment. And private hospitals vary in terms of cost for that person needs to connect to the hospital, who wants to make the treatment to see its cost. The doctor will be able to advise the patient about how to communicate with hospitals in the region.

Pregnancy and cancer treatment
It is not recommended during pregnancy cancer treatment as some treatments may harm the fetus. It is possible to get a child through cancer treatment even if the session stopped so you must use the means to prevent pregnancy or stop having sex.

You should consult your doctor if taking pills on the safety of oral contraceptives continue to use the same treatment after the onset of cancer treatment

You should speak with their doctor or nurse about how long you need the patient to wait before it is safe to load again. The length of time may vary depending on factors such as treated wastewater.

In case of pre-pregnancy when the cancer diagnosis, the doctor must be informed of the existence of the pregnancy directly to discuss available options before starting treatment.

In the event of pregnancy during cancer treatment you should tell your doctor as soon as possible. Where we can discuss the appropriate options for the patient. Options depend on several factors, including a diagnosis of cancer is located and the type of treatment.

Men and fertility
Cancer treatments may affect fertility through:

Stop-au-interfering with the production of sperm.
Impact on the productivity of the rest of testosterone or hormones that affect sexual function.
Damage to nerves and blood vessels in the pelvic area, which can make it difficult to get an erection or ejaculation.
It may be possible to store some sperm before beginning treatment. This is called open seminal account. You would need to put several samples of semen each one in a different day or a different week. Then frozen and stored to be used in the future as part of fertility treatment.

The doctor does not want -tan some circumstances a delay-cancer therapy. Concerns could be discussed with your doctor.

Seminal account is available in the National Health Service Foundation, but in some circumstances there may be a need to do so in private hospitals.

Contraception and treatment of cancer
It is not recommended for the treatment of cancer during pregnancy, the possibility of treatment effect on the DNA genetic material in the sperm, which hurts the child. So you must prevent getting pregnant during treatment, there is a need for the use of contraceptives or abstinence.

It may be appropriate to use a form of contraception septal also to protect the partner, as it may pose chemical drugs in semen too. And applies it to the patient, whether male or female.

After cancer treatment for male and female
Upon completion of receiving cancer treatment, there may be questions about fertility and giving birth to children in the future.

Wonder so many people in this situation for some issues, such as whether or not we are still _khasban? Is it security to have children and whether treatment is going to hurt the kids in the future and what will happen if the pregnancy occurred and returned cancer.

Naturally there are a lot of questions; and the best person to answer them is a doctor or nurse specialist. The answers depend largely on individual diagnosis for each patient and on the type of cancer treatment they received and how they impact on the body.

Fertility screening
Some people decide to examine fertility to know their reproductive health. And others prefer to wait or not to hold a final examination.

Before doing fertility scans, preferably taking some points in mind:

Thinking about whether he would have preferred to know the score, or after a while.
How to deal with the results of the examination. It may be good to talk with family members or with a partner (in the case of a partner) for the patient feeling before receiving the results.
Always fertility screening may not detect reproductive ability accurately. The patient sterile examination that may appear, but fertility may return in subsequent tests. The doctor can discuss that possibility with the patient.
Test results do not show whether the partner was able to have children or not.
Some of the occurrence of an early Ayas cancer treatments may lead. In the event of a fertility examination after treatment and remained a fertile woman, but she told the possibility of an early occurrence of Ayas has, it might want to attempt pregnancy earlier than planned.

There are some things that can increase the chance of the patient and her partner obtaining a natural pregnancy.

It may take two years to get the pregnancy, even if the two partners _khasban. In case of any concerns or questions can be discussed with your doctor, or a specialist cancer or pathogen.

Fertility treatment
The patient may wish to experiment with fertility treatment in the event of fertility affected or the ability to have sex due to cancer treatment or to help getting pregnant.

If the decision to receive fertility treatment should speak with their doctor the beginning. The cost varies from game to a clinic to receive treatment at a private fertility.

The doctor can arrange some tests and refer the patient to a fertility specialist. The specialists can give information and advice from most fertility treatments available to patients.

Types of fertility treatment include the use of:

Enrichment inside the glass (IVF).
Freezing sperm or embryo or egg or ovarian tissue.
Sperm or eggs or embryo donated.

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